Iron Horse Golf course
Iron Horse golf course is a half private half public golf course. That means you can buy a membership there but it is only for golf. If you chose to play it as a non member you will have to pay a high price. I have played Iron Horse multiple times when I was starting out in my early stages of competitive golf. In my opinion I don't think there is a harder course in Kansas. I have always struggled which makes it fun and really annoying at the same time. If you are looking to try and get into golf I would suggest that you stay away from this course. Most courses try to get you not to play there because of the price it is to play. This is one of those courses.
If you are going to start golfing, I usually go to this course to see my progression, but never play there for fun. I would recommend if you are going to play this course to just really study the course. This is a very beautiful course and it normal to just stop and soak it in every couple holes. This course is surrounded by plenty of beautiful homes. This course is located in the south Leawood area. Although it is a hard course it is a fun one to go out and see and try to play.
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